Mixing with channel strips?


New member
Hello! I've been trying to get away from all the plugins and use the eq's and compressors on my channel strips for mixing. I know I'm doing some things wrong. I'm wondering how to go about doing them right! Firstly, does this process even make sense?

I've got an M Audio Omni I/O, Toft ATC2, a Presonus Platinum series Voicemaster and a Trakmaster. I'm running into Ableton Live 8.

The ATC-2 is connected to the M Audio's balanced line ins (3 and 4) and the two Presonus strips are splitting the balanced aux in 1 (with an insert cable, unbalancing them, unfortunately, better than cascading mic pres though, and I like these better than the interface's built in ones) for inputs 1 and 2.

On the bass track, for example, I set the output of the track to Ext. Out 2 (trak master line in) and on a new track, set the input to Ext. In 1 (trak master line out). I try and approximate the settings I want, record onto the new track, set the nputs back to "no input" and set the outputs back to master.

The first problem is that the bass track only plays through one monitor. The other is that I get weird delay and feedback loops, and I know I have to turn off monitoring on the new channel, but then how am I supposed to hear what I'm doing.

Another problem is that when I play both the old track and the new one together, they sound terrible, but individually they sound fine!

Also, I'd like to hear the new track by itself to set the comp, eq, expander etc. but if I turn down the original, it cuts the signal to the channel strip.

The last problem is I'm getting what sounds like really gross clipping, but nothing seems to be clipping at any stage, and no matter how low I turn any given gain stage, it persists!

Ugh, I know I'm missing something really, really stupid. Sorry! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
On the bass track, for example, I set the output of the track to Ext. Out 2 (trak master line in) and on a new track, set the input to Ext. In 1 (trak master line out). I try and approximate the settings I want, record onto the new track, set the nputs back to "no input" and set the outputs back to master.

The first problem is that the bass track only plays through one monitor. The other is that I get weird delay and feedback loops, and I know I have to turn off monitoring on the new channel, but then how am I supposed to hear what I'm doing.

Another problem is that when I play both the old track and the new one together, they sound terrible, but individually they sound fine!

Also, I'd like to hear the new track by itself to set the comp, eq, expander etc. but if I turn down the original, it cuts the signal to the channel strip.
1) The idea would be to not try to hear/mix the two versions- yes all sorts of odd delay/alignment/combing' problems, but record the effected one as the new and improved one.
2) Since you want to mix' on this channel strip- but not hear the source track- unlike if it was an FX' send, Maybe you can use a pre fader aux send to the external output, then you could turn down the source track and just hear (all be it with your latency) your 'channel strip.
The last problem is I'm getting what sounds like really gross clipping, but nothing seems to be clipping at any stage, and no matter how low I turn any given gain stage, it persists!

The ATC-2 is connected to the M Audio's balanced line ins (3 and 4) and the two Presonus strips are splitting the balanced aux in 1 (with an insert cable, unbalancing them, unfortunately, better than cascading mic pres though, and I like these better than the interface's built in ones) for inputs 1 and 2.
Didn't really sus out all this patching, just wondering if it might have to do with hidden clipping problem?

add.. In Sonar (I'd have to check, haven't used an external send in a while,) might have to use a bus (sub group) to get all the in's and outs done?