Midi Assignment Issues


New member
I am using Sonar 5 producer / studio
I have the following equipment:
Alesis D4
E-Mu Proteus
AKAI midi patch bay
Midi patch bay
A - Computer
B - Piano / Keyboard
C - Proteus
D - Alesis D4​
1 - Computer
2 - Keyboard
3 - Proteus
4 - Alesis D4​

I am able to record anything from the Proteus - without an issue.
My problem is that I am unable to record anything from the Alesis D4.
In my track properties i have 1 thru 8 assigned to the Proteus and 9 through 12 to the D4
I have the output set to SB Live! MIDI UART
I select channel 9 and the patch for the drumset I want.
However - it records nothing.
What am I missing?
Hmm...trying to follow you there but have you tried switching the units around? Making sure it's not midi slots vs. a hardware problem?

Midi isn't my strong suit...I struggled last night with my Midair. Turned out a hosed up driver. Downloaded the latest and away she goes!
Is the D4 definitely receiving MIDI and producing sound? If you put headphones in the D4's headphone jack, do you hear what you expect?

Apologies if I'm stating the obvious, but if the D4's not generating sound, maybe it's not listening on channel 9. Some drum machines default to channel 10.
ive had a similar problem with a midi guitar and master keyboard,i dont have a patch bay.. could be your problem is there..

for some reason i cant split the midi input :( so i put another soundcard in and use 2 dedicated midi ins...