Line 6 Toneport DI

I'm not the Acid Pro user but I have a toneport. I think there is not so much difference in setting up the any DAW to record with Toneport anyway. You should look I/O view at the track where you want to use the Toneport and select Line6 sends there as the input.

One more thing, to record you have to make the PodFARM allready running. If you don't want to record with Line 6 effects and want to use it as a simple direct interface. then in the mixer view in the PodFARM you have to select dry input for sends 1 and 2.

Something like that.
As I mentioned I am not an Acid Pro user, but aacording to manual you should open a mixer window. There you have an I/O button. Just in case I/O means input and output