Instrumental selling contract...


New member
Hi all!

I'm gonna sell some beats tomorrow to a school (When I was going to school at the beginning of the year, we had a project to make a rap cd and I was instrumentalist/one of the rappers/leader of the project). I dropped school but I'm still the one who make the beats (With the other guy in my crew). We putted 8 beats on a CD and we'll sell them for 500$ + 3% of the cash made with them. Now, I was looking for someone who could tell me how to write the contract. Some of you seems to be selling beats to labels so what's the contract you usually make'em sign?

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Are you selling? Another words they give you $500 plus 3% but they own the master and copyrights? I think thats what your saying....... I do something similiar, but through licensing with publishers another words I charge a flat rate (in the form of a license fee or advance) and then collect royalties from performing rights organization ASCAP and Harry Fox....... on the use of the license....... Kinda similiar I guess...... Going your route I would state the simple facts

- Price for beat

- who owns what

- length of contract

If your selling them outright their shouldn't be too much in your favor since you won't own it....Kinda like your doing a "work for hire" You prbably wanna lean towards a producers contract which I've seen in one of these threads and offered input on....
GEC is correct. That's the way I would do it. Why let others reep the benefits ofcopyrights when a simple licensing deal is a viable alternative.

Licensing and distribution is my forte', and I have licensing contracts sitting on my desk at this minute. Would be happy to send ya a blank.
What is licensing? I'm in Québec, Canada, do I have access to those organizations?


(P.S.: Thanks for the fast replies guys ;))
Hey guys. I know this is a really old thread, but i'm in a similar situation, and was wondering if anyone here (on the forum or thread) could help/hook me up with a licensing blank?

Rather than getting jipped, I’m trying to learn how to "lease" and "sell" instrumentals towards my benefit (as well as the artist).

Really hopping this will bump the thread up long enough for some responses :cool: