How to make the mix less spitty


It is a life preserver
The other night I was messing around with the AKAI Beats VST. Beats replaces Essentials and things are different now. Unrelated. I came across a problem and am looking for the best solution. The jam came out with the drums really spitty. The samples are nice and tight, but when used in an arrangement come out like the drums are spitting. What would you do? Compression, or the opposite of compression? An EQ shelf around 8k like -4db? Distortion to lofi it?

It is supposed to be an original theme for a political podcast for NWCC.
I'm certainly no expert Beaky but I thought it sounded great and couldnt hear anything wrong with the drums or anything.:unsure:
The mix is pretty basic. Dry. How about reverb and a low cut shelf taking off a couple db?

AKAI has some nice samples with their MPC collection. It was easy find some sounds I liked.
It sounds fine. Again, I'm wondering about your monitoring situation.

If you compress the drums, the cymbals will get weird and the short, tight snare will become longer.