Home music Production Tips.


New member
Here are my tips
1.Learn about “high quality” computers and get your own. It should have good storage and processing memory in order to support well your software and hardware.

2.It is wise to spend a few dollars for a back-up hard drive. Imagine how it hurts when you have your first piece almost finished and then it gets corrupted.

3.Take time to look for available software. Remember, the most expensive is not always the best.

4.Buy excellent speakers. When you are finished creating your track, it is the time then to replay and review your music. Computer speakers will take a very important role here.

5.Learn the basics of digital audio and MIDI, and how both work together.

6.A CD burner is not an option especially if you decide to create your own CD’s

7.Learn when and how to use EQ

8..There are many free music forums on the internet, take advantage of them. Follow and take note expert’s advice and discussions.

9.Budget your money carefully.

10.Patience really matter. Don’t Rush! Experience and knowledge will follow.

Please add more tips if you have any. This should be helpful for beginners.