Hi everyone Newbie needs advice on how to record low frequency noise.

thanks for trying i think he has some sort of night club amplifier as well beacuse it can go
crazy loud.
Crazy loud i.e. - So loud its crazy nobody else hears it but you..
I'd be so onboard with this thread if it was ultrasonic vs subsonic. Cisco for instance has an ultrasonic feature where a video conferencing system emits a sound wave outside of human hearing that the microphones in laptops running the Cisco software can hear and allow the users in the room to wirelessly present content from their laptops.

Subsonic weapons use both sub and ultrasonic frequencies. The purpose of the ultrasonic is to calculate the range of the target as to direct the subsonic energy. But that is directed energy coming out of a subsonic cannon and not a speaker system. While a whole lot of fun, it is nothing like Raytheon's EKV Ectoplasmic Kill Vehicle in terms of raw awesome.

I did a large AV project in a building where they cheaped out on roof mounted water chillers. They used a bunch of smaller units hoping to avoid costly fluid dampening systems. When the AC ran, it created a resonance. You could not hear it but there were a couple of sectional beams that you could put your hand on and feel it move at a subsonic range. The result of this however was that every projector on the third floor would slowly bounce up and down making reading text a huge problem. Like with any sound waves, distance matters and if you are in a peak or null, chances are the image was out of phase with the moving wall. We isolated the projectors from the ceiling which was acting like a spring of sorts, added tensioned supports to get both wall and projector into sync. Probably the most cleaver solution I ever came up with as an engineer.

We've poked a bit of fun. I'm not at all convinced the OP can hear subsonic frequencies cause that is just physic and anatomy. Does he know what he is talking about? Probably not enough to understand the topic at a high level and why some would be dismissive. Ultrasonic would be more likely to have a physical affect but then there is the whole Schumann Wave thing. Some market these as a sleep aid but super nearfield.

OP says he has a file. Open it in audacity and look at the waveform. Don't have to be able to play it back to know what is there.
I’ve read through this thread and it’s nice of you all to continue trying to help OP, but it seems to me, as someone who just peeked in and read the whole thing, that OP has no idea what he’s saying or he’s trolling.

If the former, there’s little we can do to help. He got combative at the slightest doubt we had of his story and that’s a red flag. HE doesn’t know what he’s hearing. So why are we talking 6.5 Hz? Why did we establish that frequency?
I laughed at “he ran off.”

This guy is most likely a troll, and a pretty good one at that. The audio engineering subreddit on Reddit has post like these every now and then and they always seem the EXACT same.
I’ve seen threads like this before. On this forum as well.

I ain’t taking the bait ;)
I’ve seen threads like this before. On this forum as well.

I ain’t taking the bait ;)
I actually wonder if there’s a place somewhere on the internet for trolls that gives this scenario as a template. I’ve seen it way too much too similar, and for OP to react the same way he has for it to be coincidence.
There’s a pattern

New guy signs up to a forum for this one specific ‘problem’

No one can hear it except him

People get involved trying to help

All possible solutions are rejected

Problem never gets solved

Poster goes away. (Sometimes in disgust)


I call bullshit, a troll, insanity, or there's always the possibility they are an Alex Jones diehard and believe they are being targeted by the govt with low frequency weapons. ;)
Thanks for reply..
Firstly I'm telling the truth..
Secondly I don't play with lego or transformers.. Go join the Army if you want to play with some real toys.
I'm hear now at home, I can't hear the noise OK. Simple... Its some sort of wave I don't know the frequency because I can't record it... What ever is producing. It it can go through the whole house.. OK its very low and moves my ear drums OK.. Simple... For the people who tried to help thanks... As soon as I find out I will tell you OK.
Reading back, you said he must have a night club amp because it can go crazy loud. I assumed we were talking about a constant low frequency noise, but are we talking about sub bass, in music. Is it intermittent, as music bass would be, and not a continuous noise?

Questions we don't seem to have answers to.

You stated 6.5Hz, but you cannot record it.
If you can read a frequency, then why can't you record it - whatever the frequency meter is telling you is being detected by this device but not by a decent mic and recorder?

Are you totally certain it's that frequency?
On your phone sound analyser app - does it detect it at all?

Is it a specific frequency, or is it a spread of noise frequencies.
How many people, say, out of ten can hear it?

I've fed a 6.5Hz sine wave into subs here and I can feel it, but NOT hear it. Is this what you are doing? (feeling, not hearing)