Fostex mr8 mutitracker


New member
after buying this junk and thats what it is! is there anyone in this forum that can tell me step by step how to import a wave file from my computer? you can create files on this and export but you cant import a file that wasnt created using this superb piece of technology? dont buy this new or used its good for a boat anchor! and a wave manager in japanese?
send replies to my operating system is windows 7
I use an MR8 (the original red one, with an OS upgrade) alongside Audacity on my PC. What you need to do (apart from getting the English-language Wave Manager!) is to rename each WAV you want to export to the Fostex as follows; TR01.WAV, TR02.WAV... up to TR08.WAV. The wave manager does the rest, including creating new songs.

I use a freeware drum machine called HammerHead 1.0 to create 1-bar drum patterns which I then arrange into a song in Audacity. I export the finished drum track as a WAV, put it onto the Fostex, add all the audio tracks (keyboards, bass, vocals, ukulele etc), and then import the tracks back onto the PC for editing and mixing, once again in Audacity. (I always mix to mono, but that's just my personal preference).

Hope this helps!
Don't you just love a good rant!!!
Go to Fostex International for an English version of WAVManager.