Follow chain session view subclips not following tempo changes


New member
Hi all,

In arrangement view I setup my master track with tempo changes and sliced the clips for each tempo section.

I have midi automation clips and a lead audio track. Things work fine in arrangement view.

When dragging the tracks to session view I made separate scenes for each different tempo and set the bpm accordingly at the right scene side.

All tracks have follow chain - next enabled and warp is set to off.

Audio works as expected but after a row has completed the midi automation will run out of sync.

Any suggestions?

I'm running ableton live 11 on a windows pc.
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Hey DM60, thank you for the reply.

Yes, I'm already doing that.

I also tried the 'consolidate as new scene' option, this works but sets the audio track as warped (all in 1 fixed tempo). As soon as I disable "Warp" on the audio track the midi automation won't run synchronous anymore.
I am recording now, I will check and see if I can see more. Just make sure you have the track set to follow lead track. I am sure you have, but double checking the obvious.
I am recording now, I will check and see if I can see more. Just make sure you have the track set to follow lead track. I am sure you have, but double checking the obvious.
Well actually... that might just be it. Currently looking for that switch
I found this: Open Live's Preferences under Link/Tempo/MIDI > Tempo Follower and set the appropriate audio inputs for the incoming audio source.
You will see the green volume indicator next to the input. Make sure to set Show Tempo Follower Toggle to Show.

This is from Ableton's website. Let me know if this gets you where you want.
I was testing on mine, looks like the naming BPM is for older versions, but you have edited 1671136214377.png. That should change your tempo for all of your clips, including MIDI in the row. Maybe the problem is that the follow only works with audio. You probably need to "fix" the audio to match your tempo for that row.

I will continue to look, but it doesn't look like follow controls MIDI. If you find something different, please post here, I would be interested to know as well.
Ok, I found the problem.

The problem actually was in my workflow:
- in order to create midi clips for several songs I would create one long clip in arrangement view and later split it at various points for different songs.

The problem that then arises is that the length of each midi clip is incorrect, the solution is to consolidate the individual clips so the length appears correctly.

Afterwards it's just a matter of setting the scene (at the right side) instead of each clip up with follow actions. Clicking on the midi clip and copying the length to the scene follow action then works.

If unclear, then this post on explained the process well.

Thanks for your assistance, I appreciate it!