feelin' SPACEY today - a new tune

i'm still refining this one,
for an upcoming album of songs patterned after classic 70's rock tunes...

i've taken the original arrangements, basic drum grooves and original tempos, of some of my favorite classic 70's rock tunes, and used that as the 'starting point' of a collection of songs i'm working on.

it's a big experiment for me.

this song, for example, is patterned after paul mccartney's WINGS song, "Junior's Farm".

more than half of a 10 song future album, will have this treatment.
these tunes will be vocal heavy, featuring harmonies and unison singing over guitar stuff.
tho, the hardest part of writing this one,
was coming up with modern sounding original rhythm guitar tracks, and not sounding like "juniors farm".
by the way, this mix,
is just for the video...
the album mix will have all that front stuff chopped off,
and just about 10 seconds of buildup before it kicks in.

i just had to set the mood for the abduction.

the synths are the ufo coming in...
the guitar noises are background space noises,
and the scratchy samples are the aliens beaming me up.

then once i get inside, the music starts.