Fast Track Pro


Poor Farm Productions
Anyone know for a fact IF the pre-s can be bypassed on the FTP? If so, how and point me to the documentation.

I am not finding any documented (in the manual) routing to show how to use the FTP to interface without going through the pre-s.

Here is the chain that I am trying to connect, without the FTP pre-s in the gain stage:
Mic[XLR]>> Presonus BlueTube DP[???]>> FTP Insert1[insert Y]>> I/O Behringer MDX-1600 AutoCom Pro-XL>> FTP [USB]>> laptop
{mic>> pre>> FTP>> comp>> FTP>> laptop}

Thank you all in advance.
Why do you want to screw up your signal chain with that extra junk? You'll get a much cleaner recording without the blewtoob and the compressor.
Re-read your post. My previous response was incorrect. This chain is for mono, VO recording only.
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Thank you for your response. However, I am seeking how to use the FTP to interface without going through the pre-s.
Looking for input:
What if the chain were {mic>> pre>> comp (Insert Return only to Insert 1)>> FTP>> laptop}?

Is there a problem with only using the return-half of the effects loop?
Go mic>preamp>compressor>FTP line input.

Turn the gain up and down on the FTP. If it is having effect that it's not a true bypass. If it isn't having effect, then you've bypassed the onboard preamps.

AFAIK, if the above doesn't work, then SPDIF is the only way to truly bypass the preamps.
Thank you for the input.

Tried it both ways. Bringing the signal in through XLR, and 1/4", both went through the gain stage on the FTP. However, what I did to beat it was: tied the Insert Y- Return only from comp to the Insert 1 (TRS) on the FTP backside. That did the trick. No gain from the FTP gain control. Clean as a whistle.

Thanks for the assist.