EV 635a or Similar - Use in Studio or Live?


Well-known member
Local CL seller has a used EV 635a at an OK price. Wondering if anyone makes use of an omni dynamic for vocals, acoustic guitar, or guitar cabs. Worthwhile addition or not?
I've even used omni mics live. If a singer projects well and stays on the mic it works out, and there's not really proximity effect with omni mics so you don't have to do as much eq compensation for close use. But the 635a is meant to be an ENG mic so I don't know how it will sound for your uses.
Worth buying to find out. They're a great little mic.

I've one right here for talk back/gaming/backing vocals.
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I pick one up as it does do a nice precontoured tone shape option -low and a bit of high filtered naturally, close up or far- 'out of the box for dirt cheap. What's not to like :)

..one of the reasons you don't have to HPF every damn thing..? Sometimes... it won't need it ;)
i love omni mics on acoustic guitar for a more natural sound.
it really depends what sound you like.

i have omni condensers and dynamics and like them all. i even have a hi-z omni harp mic that's awesome and breaks up nicely on vocals.
The only issues with omni mics live is:

If you are singing into an omni mic there will be feedback issues when using monitors.
When used to mic amps or instruments there will be more bleed into the omni from other sound on the stage.
