

New member
I was just wondering what dithering was and how to use it. I also would like to know the difference between triangular and rectangular dithering.:confused:
Dithering gets called into effect any/everytime you down-change your bit rate or do a conversion from Analog to Digital...

Essentially, it's the insertion of white noise into the signal so the conversion doesn't produce too many errors...

Of course, that's the WAAAAAY stripped-down definition, but pretty much it inna nut-shell.

The type of dither selected (rectangular/triangular/Gaussian) is how the white noise is applied to the signal... Basically the amplitude of noise inserted...

I leave things set at triangular in my Sonar settings, but I'm pretty sure that my ear wouldn't be able to discern any difference if I changed it whenever I change things from 24 bit to 16 bit before burning to CD


If you really want to delve into the nuts and bolts, there's articles like this:


Hope this helps!
