Cubase LE - Bus out problem


New member
Hi, can anyone help? For my audio tracks, I get the Bus Out options of “Stereo Out”, “Links – Stereo Out” and “Rechts – Stereo Out”. I don’t understand these. When I record audio I can only get it to come out of one speaker, despite recording it on the Stereo In bus. I’m sure this is a set-up issue – any suggestions?
Yeah, I can.

Stereo out should be fine. Use a mono track/input bus for a mono source. Pretty much anything other than a source with a left and right line output.

1 mic=mono source.

Are you still around? I can walk you through the basic setup now if you are still here.
Hi, can anyone help? For my audio tracks, I get the Bus Out options of “Stereo Out”, “Links – Stereo Out” and “Rechts – Stereo Out”. I don’t understand these. When I record audio I can only get it to come out of one speaker, despite recording it on the Stereo In bus. I’m sure this is a set-up issue – any suggestions?

Rechts is German for right??