Cubase ASIO Latency

I assume you don't have an external soundcard. What is your default? Download ASIO4ALL. You can change the buffer size (latency) with it.
I assume you don't have an external soundcard. What is your default? Download ASIO4ALL. You can change the buffer size (latency) with it.

Well I am not having trouble changing it with exteriors, but on occasion I bring my laptop to work with me to do some mixing in my downtime... and it seems my asio isnt set properly. Yes I already have ASIO4ALL but I do not know where to change the settings for it. I appreciate your assistance.

HP DV6, Windows 7 32bit, Cubase 5, 4g ram
In Cubase: Devices>Device Setup>VST Audio System, select ASIO4All from drop down menu. Then, click on ASIO4ALL (the sub folder under VST Audio System to left of Device Setup screen). This will take you to the ASIO4ALL Control Panel. Click on Control Panel and adjust your buffer size (latency) there. That should get ya going. :D
In Cubase: Devices>Device Setup>VST Audio System, select ASIO4All from drop down menu. Then, click on ASIO4ALL (the sub folder under VST Audio System to left of Device Setup screen). This will take you to the ASIO4ALL Control Panel. Click on Control Panel and adjust your buffer size (latency) there. That should get ya going. :D

Ah.... stupid brain. Thank you so much! Workin great for me now.
Hey there I have a problem when I record using asio4all sometimes my voice have crack an pops am using behriger c1 mic with dixon am-ex8 mixer