Audio Mixing and Mastering Research at University of East Anglia


New member
Hello Guys/Gals,
I'd like to invite you to participate in an online audio mixing research at the University of East Anglia. The goal of the research is to find out how to make better sounding audio mixes.

We are conducting a survey which involves answers to 15 questions and evaluation of 10 short mixes about 30 seconds each.

Of course the participation is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time without giving a notice.

As a thank you gift, after finishing the survey, you will receive either one of the following:
1. an official letter from the University of East Anglia thanking you personally for taking part in the research to advance understanding of audio mixing and mastering. The letter can be addressed to you and/or to you and your studio. (Nice visual candy to your friends or clients :-)) ; Or
2. if you live in the USA you can receive a HI-Fi compact disc with recordings of electronic Christmas music; And
3. all participants will also receive the final findings of the research which will be very interesting.

If you would like to take part in the survey then please follow the link below.

Thank You,
Researchers at UEA
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