Akg c577


Enthusiastic Member
Hey Guys

I have this AKG C577 condenser lavalier microphone that is left over in my church when we replaced it with a wireless. I'm considering selling it, but haven't got a clue what it's worth. Online it is sold new for 400 Euro's. Now I'm wondering what is this microphone worth? And what kind of things can it be used for? Does it have any use in my studio?

Thanks already!
Best place to find out is Ebay.

Look up completed listings for used mics of the same model and you'll find out what it's worth (i.e. how much people actually pay for them).
If I was buying one, I'd want to pay less than £150, and if I was selling one, I'd want £200, or I'd keep it. Ideally, I'd like to spend £100, or receive £250 - which would make me happier.