Akai mpc2000xl


New member
I have an Akai mpc2000xl.I just got it.I know how to work it but there's one thing that I cant get to work right,midi.I want to hook it up to my Yamaha djx keyboard.I want to record onto the Mpc's sequencer what I am playing on the keyboad.I hook everything up right in>out and out>in.But when I set it up I can't record what im playing on the keyboard.It will just play the sound(that I have set on the keyboard) on the mpc's pads.I dont want to do that.I want to record what im playing on the keyboard onto the Mpc's sequencer.What am I doing wrong? I've hook my keyboard up to cakewalk before,that worked fine.Please help.I tried to be as clear as possible. Thanks.
Make sure the djx is properly configured for the midi out and what song that you want to play is sent to via the dump send option on the djx to the specified. In similar situations what I would do rather than go the midi route is diditally save a sequence of notes on my keyboard via my sound card. Save what I just played on my keyboard as a wav file and then save that to zip drive. Once that is done I can load the notes from my keyboard to the specific key on the mpc. You can also edit the notes you played before puting them into the mpc, with cool edit pro or a program like that. I am then able to implement the sounds into the beat at exactly the right time I want it. I used to sturggle for hours with midi, but my timing never seemed right, until I was watching a documemtory on producers and saw that this is how mel-man (dr. dre's protege) and several other producers make beats. When using two or more midi modules with the mpc, its better to go the midi route, but when constructing a hip hop beat..when all you need is a few sampled sounds and a key board riff or two this way work very well.
Where did you see that documentary?!

Just wondering cuz I'm a fan of Dr. Dre's production stuff and I would definatly be interested in checking that out. Thanks-Ryan
a friend of mine has it, if you look in past issues of xxl magazine you will find it advertised. I forgot the name, but it has a lot of producers on it, like 2pac's main producer johnny-j and daz of the dog pound as well as others.
oh pro sound and stage lighting has that,im about to get it.

Sandman2000- i used to have my set up just like that before i got my modules.Do you have the DJX set to keyboard out?If your still stumped get at me.i can't put my finger on how i have it right now.
I have it set on keyboard out.I can get it to record on midi channel 1.But when I go to channel 2 and change the voice the sound midi channel 1 changes .I know I have the Mpc set up right because I set it up the same way with my sister's casio it works fine.
make sure each time you change a sound you dont also change the midi channel on the DJX leave it on one.And the Ext clock should be off.try that.
I couldn't get the damn djx to work with my mpc so I sampled all the sound I wanted off of it and upgraded to a trinity :D
Oh my GOD!!! I'm not the only one!!!
I did exactly the same thing. That @#!$%* DJX. I sampled all the dope sounds out of it, gave it away and bought a Trinity.

Rassizzm said:
I couldn't get the damn djx to work with my mpc so I sampled all the sound I wanted off of it and upgraded to a trinity :D
and Trak it was damn worth it and just to think,I bought the djx when it was 400 and I ended up selling it for $60 dollars.