A Prayer To St Francis


New member
This is one of my first recordings. The first one was done about 4 years ago. Levels are way too high and it is too long. The second is the remix with levels reduced and some eq. It was also too long so I made it fade out. Unfortunately, since I no longer have the original mix because I am on a different computer, I can't cut off the part after it goes silent.

I listened a little bit to the original, but more to the remix. The first one had a real low end problem - real loud and rumbly. But I thought you had a better high-gain sound dialed in on the melody guitars in the first one.

The low end was pretty well controlled in the second one. The bass might have even been a bit soft. The distorted kick is not a good sound. It just uses up too much space.

The the melody guitars have too much gain dialed in IMO. It's level could be better controlled. A compressor on it would be nice. Notes at the beginning of phrases jump out.

The vocal has some pitch problems. And it's pretty buried.

Instrumental performances were good. Time kept well.
The second mix is a lot better-controlled than the first one. Less oppressively-loud in the low end.

I don't know that it's really a salvageable track though. That over-driven drum loop isn't great sounding. The guitars all sound like they're having timing issues. I'd probably re-track most of this.
Thanks Steve. I probably will do the whole thing over as soon as I can find a good solution for my lack of drum skills or equipment. It was recorded with one of those cheap beat boxes.