
You going to actually listen to my advice without calling out my mom? LOL!

I hear the pumping as well. You are pushing the compressor to hard man...

The Density MKII is actually kinda cool and best used on group channels IMO. I used it for quite a while. Just be careful with the threshold and ratio on master out.

Master out in my experience is not the place for hard compression. Maybe a little bit before limiter but not like I am hearing here.

Cheers fucker! :) I do mean that sincerely. I don't hold grudges...
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you drew first blood :p

I'll try it on some group channels.

:thumbs up:

And naw man, I wasn't trying to start shit. I was giving my opinion. Did I draw first blood? Well maybe you took it that way. I think I reacted improperly as well myself to your response. Truce?

It was not my intention to judge you. But you don't know me and I don't know you. Internet makes for a sterile environment that people come across in the wrong way-because you do not know them...

In the end I wish for you to get the best from your recordings. Sorry if you took it that way. Not my intention ever to judge someone else. I learned long ago that I do not know everything....

And this is why I have been here for quite some time: I don't bullshit about what I hear or know and I surely never claim to know anything other than what I have learned from my personal experience and sharing what I have learned from members here. I only comment on posts from members that I feel I can help with when I have time to do so. You will not see me posting my opinion unless it is something I have experience to offer help with.

That means that I really liked the potential of your stuff and wanted to help if I can.
Yes there is some pumping going on.

The guitars are a little bite-y and scratchy. Difficult to listen to at high volume. And this is the kind of music that ought to be cranked.
I'm not a professional by any means so please take this with a grain of salt. I've actually only been researching and studying this field for a few months now. But that compressor is pretty audible to my ears. I've been training my ear and the best mixbus compressors at about 1-4db add a desired glue without the pumping. I also tried this compressor along with VOS Ferris and got the same results. My mixbus compressor I'm in love with now is a nebula version of the Neve 33609. I believe UAD has one as well, it's really really "musical" sounding. Still sounds great but I feel a better mixbus compressor would do it a lot of justice.
Just another case of a dude being persecuted by THE MAN!

Most of the thread has been deleted. It doesn't look like it from what's here now, I can understand, but there were some rules that were clearly violated. Mods tried to clean it up around here, though I suppose they could've/should've just shut it down completely. He went a little whacky there.