Well, now I feel better!!!

What about us? Truly meaning all of us. :eek:

Personal opinion to follow: Trump has seemingly juvenile skills at communicating to those that oppose him-yet he evidently has the ability to make his own fortune and become elected president. Ever wonder if his use of simple words is why he won? Maybe it is just the way he used those words to get his point across to people that find need for someone like him to get shit done? I don't fucking know.

On the other hand I personally see Hillary as a political/lawyer criminal. Well spoken, but a liar and a fool for allowing herself to be beaten by anyone. She killed herself in the past election by being that candidate nobody would want to hang out with. But then, I would never hang out with Don either.

Which would you want in your home? Something to question for yourself. I would say neither. If I had to choose, it would be the one that pissed me off less. I wonder...
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Those vids I posted, just an example of what you had and what you might of had. I'm not sure either genuinely gives a damn about this country over their own self interests, Obama, and especially Clinton. If there is ever a real investigation into those 2, I believe it will reveal how establishment govt has become utterly rogue, corrupt, self serving for the individuals involved, those in power. The so called "elite". Trump can be a boob, but I believe he loves this country with every fiber of his being. America (and Americans) first, man. I can't imagine anyone having a problem with such a priority, except for enemies of this country.

Truth, I haven't followed what he said. I think he said, he believes Putin believes Russia didn't influence the election? A nuance? Maybe that is true, Putin doesn't believe it. I think Trump also said some in the intelligence community say Russia did influence the election. Hell, I don't know, seems a portion of the intelligence community is heavily steeped in the established status quo corrupt system, and anti Trump. They wanted Clinton to win. Well, whatever influence anyone had on the election, it just revealed the corrupt and criminal nature/activities of Clinton, no matter how it got out. The truth. Thank you, you did the work our own media would not. The truth sunk Clinton. God help us if she had won. America may have never been the same. So we get Trump, a sometimes boob. I'm sure it's not the first America loving big mouthed boob we've had in office. It's almost like, dunno, Making America Great Again! You know he is doing something right when those who do not appreciate how fortunate they are to be in this country, apparently hate this country, scream "America has never been great!". Gotta love how Trump can troll the truth out of a situation. Does it over and over again. Love it.

A lot of foreign leaders seem to like him. Are they playing him? Yet to be seen.

^ tl;dr

:D For your viewing pleasure, a bunch of smug asses who, not unlike Obama and Clinton, would dare and delight in belittling and dismissing millions upon millions of normal day-to-day Americans, the backbone of this country....

Oh, another thing...

Do I believe Trump is "one of us", the common man? No. Then again, I don't think he pretends to be. "I'm mega rich and successful", says braggadocious Trump. However, I do believe he would like all of Americans to succeed. Hillary? She pretends she's not rich as fuck. She wants you to believe she is just like you. She is so much like you, she understands your needs, better than even you. Don't believe it? Deplorable. She is a wealth and power hungry liar, all else be damned.

If you could not bring yourself to watch any of the vids, please watch this one. Very telling. It reveals what she really thinks of the electorate. Disgusting. Did the msm jump all over it, as they would if it were Trump who had said it? Crickets. This is the alternative to Trump. This is the candidate the Democrats offered, rigged Sanders right out of the running.

AND, what about the other people doing those other things that have nothing to do with what we're talking about?

What are we talking about? Clue me in, bro.

edit: Okay, I read the link.

It's a big....so what? Trump is talking about important stuff. Things it would be advantageous to have a good diplomatic relationship with Russia to possibly assist. The infantile reporter evidently has no interest in important stuff, he wants to keep going back to "meddling in the election" crap. What does he want Trump to do, get in Putin's face and call him a liar? Korea, Syria, Iran,...and this dick reporter is only interested in gotcha meddling in the election bullshit?

Get over it. The democrats nominated a very very flawed candidate. Your party chose her, the best you had to offer, "most qualified candidate ever", a despicable human being. In fact your most qualified candidate ever was so consumed with self interest and secrecy to conceal her questionable activities, she setup an easily hackable server, and used other non-secure devices, and then lied about it. She broke the law many times to conceal her very questionable activities. You lost. Dry your tears, get your shit together, and move the fuck on. The President has important work to do.

Here's another vid for you, just for lulz....."like with a cloth" <----that's your candidate :laughings:

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I'm going to leave this thread as I don't feel I should engage in political conversation here or on any social media.

But that last video makes me happy that HC was not elected. That is just fucking bullshit...
It's easy to make fun of Trump...but like was pointed out, the guy is a self-made millionaire and he got elected to be president of the USA. I mean...how "dumb" is he really to pull that off?
He just doesn't have that political lingo down...he's not a trained smooth talker like all the career politicians are...but, yeah, it's easy to make fun of him.

That said....the people who make the most fun of him were/are Clinton voters for the most part.
Now that's where I can't connect the dots. I mean...she is such a complete liar and corrupt politician on many levels, and so was Bill...but yet the same people who mock Trump, fail or refuse to accept any of the Clinton's negatives...so it's kinda hard to accept the views of Clinton supporters as valid or even honest on many levels.
I mean...you could mock the Clinton's as much, if not even more than Trump.
I mean...how "dumb" is he really to pull that off?

Pretty dumb. There are plenty of dumb millionaires. And plenty of dumb presidents. Once again, anything to detract from the main point of the post - he refuses to believe Russia had anything to do with the election because Putin said "no" to his face. Ok. That says enough. If you don't get it, then I don't know what to tell you.

AND, what about the other people doing those other things that have nothing to do with what we're talking about?

You take everything Trump says at face value?

He's been playing the media from the start...but people jump on his so-called "dumb" responses and he's just working them.

Clinton has been doing the same shit for years. She does the "I can't recall" shit to anything she doesn't want to answer truthfully....so I'm not sure what your point is here really?
I mean, it's like you actually believe in the answers politicians give...? :D

And you're right...we almost elected Clinton...now how dumb would that have been!!!
He didn't say he believes Russia had nothing to do with the election, whatever "to do with the election" is supposed to mean. He never said it. He said he has asked Putin on multiple occasions, "You can only ask so many times". Although he is not a practiced politician, what Trump said was nuance. It is a tough spot when you're trying to develop a diplomatic relationship to solve some heavy duty international issues. So when pressed, Trump says when Putin denies Russia meddling in the election, Trump believes he means it. He never said he believes Putin is telling the truth. Never said it.

The election is long since over, it has been a fucking year. Investigations have turned up jack squat. Time to move forward. Bigger issues on the table. For not being a practiced politician, Trump said the right thing. Having a good relationship with Russia could prove helpful. It would serve no purpose for Trump to at this point call Putin a liar. See The Godfather vid I posted earlier...>"never tell someone outside the family what you're thinking"<

But...but, the election! :mad:

lol @
I'm sorry, but...

...he refuses to believe Russia had anything to do with the election...

Wha....what kind of sentence or wording is that? I can't quite wrap my head around it. "Anything"? I don't get it. Should that be something to do with the election? That is a weird choice of words. Awfully non-committal and nonspecific sounding. Is somebody, anybody fixin' to finally pull a fucking rabbit outta the election got hacked by Putin and Trump knew all about it hat...or anything?


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nvestigations have turned up jack squat.

This couldn't be further from the truth. You are starting to sound like Trump. Are you going to continue making up stories? I can't have an actual discussion with you if you are going to make things up to suit your liking. Are you going to come back to earth soon? or....?