&nrynq s8q Z,y.7d dqriy7.z c7ryso"


Son of Yoda
Or, in English:

Does anyone use Dvorak keyboard layout? I'm trying to reduce typing pain and found the Dvorak layout, which is supposed to limit the amount of finger movement.

So far, I've learnt to type "the ant died" - jhg fnj kvgk - and worked out to switch layouts quickly, but, just between us, the death of ants isn't something I spend a lot of time typing about... this means I'll have to learn more letters/keys, I guess. :(

Anyone ever tried it? Typing (at work, not here) is killing my guitar playing.:cursing: Nothing like constant pain in the forearms to demotivate you from picking up a guitar when you get home from work. :o
Haven't tried the Dvorak keyboard...after 45+ years touch typing on QWERTY I doubt my aging fingers could learn something new. However...

Many years ago a former employer got worried about lawsuits for RSI etc. after a big conversion to computers. The brought in consultants to make sure people were sitting properly and using keyboards properly. I was surprised how much difference it actually made adjusting the relative height of my chair/desk/keyboard, the distance of the keyboard from the edge of the desk, etc. etc. I recall some people (or, rather, combinations of people and desks) were given wrist pads to lift their arms slightly in front of the keyboard.

Anyhow, what I'm trying to say is that you may get better results quicker by adjusting the way your wrists meet the existing keyboard than playing with finger movements.
What Bobbsy said ^^^^. Adjust your keyboard height/sitting height so that your wrists are not bent. Unfortunately, after all these years you may have Carpal Tunnel.
For me, it's a lot of mouse movement. I have tried most every position, but my arm still hurts at the end of the day. I have found that generous amounts of rum in my morning and afternoon coffee hasn't helped at all, but I seemingly don't care.
Probably wrist cancer.... :( (I keed I keed)

But for real I guess a new keyboard layout could help, but you'd be better off trying to implement as many office ergonomics as possible. Straight wrists, hovering over keyboard instead of resting on the desk, etc etc. I'd maybe check out one of those memory foam pads too, if you don't have any sort of cushioning on your desk edge. You can buy a 18-20 inch long strip of padding for like $10. Just search for "desktop wrist pad" and get a memory foam one. They're pretty boss :D
I'm all over the various things you're supposed to do - I work for a very large company and I've had people come along and check out my set up, and I'm off to the physio on a regular basis, currently funded by official channels. Just don't seem to be getting anywhere. And it's way more complex than the treating people think - and until I get someone to scan my bloody arms they're all just making (incorrect) assumptions as to cause, at least in the right arm ... but I won't bore you any more with that.

Back to Dvorak - after years of QWERTY it seems really counterintuitive, I guess being blind (in that the keyboard now has the wrong labels on it) doesn't help. I could probably learn it but I imagine it'd be really difficult to learn a new layout while continuing to use the old one... so it's just a thought.

Next physio appointment today, so we'll see how that goes.