I really fucking hate this guy

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Oh man...I saw that yesterday and again today when they identified the idiot who shot the lion...and it just pisses me off that people need to kill for a fucking trophy in this day and age.
I mean...hunt for food or for survival...but to just hang the fucking thing on your wall...how god damn vain is that shit!?

They need to do a remake of "The Naked Prey" and have this douche bag be the prey so he can see how it feels to be a hunted trophy.

I hope he looses all his dental patients in protest...and is too afraid to set foot outside of his house.

WHAT A FUCKING DICK killing that beautiful lion.

Agreed. This guy is a fucking tool. I hope this shit bankrupts his lame ass and he has some kind of criminal charges put on him.
That's not good enough. People like that deserve to suffer proper agony.

Makes me sick reading about things like this. $30,000 to go and kill an animal. He should have his hands and feet removed, slowly, so he can never harm another animal.
Not that this is probably the case in this instance, and I personally hate the idea anyway, but...

.... you know that there are areas in the world where there is game that people want to hunt, and rich white dudes paying ridiculous amounts of $ to go and hunt things actually contributes to the preservation of other animals and reserves. Sort of sick and perverse to my way of thinking, but it happens.

Trophy Hunting Can Help African Conservation, Study Says
I just saw his phone number posted on the facebooks. I wouldn't actually harass the guy, but he is a dick. Not cool, Zeus.
Not that this is probably the case in this instance, and I personally hate the idea anyway, but...

.... you know that there are areas in the world where there is game that people want to hunt, and rich white dudes paying ridiculous amounts of $ to go and hunt things actually contributes to the preservation of other animals and reserves. Sort of sick and perverse to my way of thinking, but it happens.

Trophy Hunting Can Help African Conservation, Study Says

Well fuck...if he can pay $30k to kill...why not just donate the $30k to preserve and not bother with the killing...???
Just a thought.
I mean...is the head on the wall really necessary?
The guy mus have a small dick or something.....
Kills for kicks

Therein lurks a serial killer. He probably fantasizes about offing his patients while they're under anesthesia. Keeps a box of every tooth he's ever pulled hidden in his garage, people, pets, small animals, etc. Pisses the bed and regularly soils his shorts. One sick fuck.
Disgusting guy.

If he needs a penis extension that much he should buy a hot car, not kill majestic animals.

...and if he wants to hunt animals, why not do it with a camera instead of a bow and arrow or gun?
Wow. Trophy hunting is just disgusting. There is no skill or honor in baiting an animal and then ambushing it. Shoot the animal with a camera. Make a poster. That would take a whole lot more skill than tying a dead carcass to a bumper and luring a lion out of a park.
Well fuck...if he can pay $30k to kill...why not just donate the $30k to preserve and not bother with the killing...???
Just a thought.
I mean...is the head on the wall really necessary?
The guy mus have a small dick or something.....

Then he doesn't get a holiday and time tramping round the wilderness pretending he's a hunter... pandering to one of the sicker aspects of humanity in my opinion but clearly it actually does "work"...
Wow. Trophy hunting is just disgusting. There is no skill or honor in baiting an animal and then ambushing it. Shoot the animal with a camera. Make a poster. That would take a whole lot more skill than tying a dead carcass to a bumper and luring a lion out of a park.

I take so long to take a real photograph that I'd be lunch before I got the framing, f-stop and exposure sorted out... :laughings:
Any man with a working index finger can kill anything on this earth with an elephant gun, and he can do it from over 200 yards away while sitting in a jeep full of guides who are ready to also shoot in case the lion decides to charge and make a fight of it. Where's the danger? It takes more balls to slug a guy in a bar who's bigger than you.
50K is no fuckin' joke. People in Zimbabwe want trucks and flush toilets and shit too, so hunting guides, right?

I think it's lame to shoot a lion, even with a bow, which seems kind of dangerous and gnarly. But if this guy is willing to pay for permits and fees to legally shoot a lion, and indirectly pay for conservation, how is he supposed to know his licensed hunting guide lured this particular lion into an area where it was legal to shoot it. How should he know it was Cecil the Friendly Lion?

I say scorn the lion hunter but go after the guides. They knew Cecil was legit.
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