Hey, anybody heard from/about

Not that recently. I think he posted something a few weeks ago. He had some health issues that make posting a pain in the arse.
Does anyone know what happened to Grim Traveler? I haven't seen anything from him for quit some time
Does anyone know what happened to Grim Traveler? I haven't seen anything from him for quit some time

I miss that guy. I think he was always getting rather negative comments by a certain member and he probably got tired of it. I haven't seen him post in at least a year. Another person is Mr. Clean.
Grim's been gone for quite a while. He's a very quirky dude - i always enjoyed his posts, long though they were.
Grim's been gone for quite a while. He's a very quirky dude - i always enjoyed his posts, long though they were.

I still have the CD he sent me of his music and the several pages of explanation for each song. I always felt that he was a very nice guy.
I still have the CD he sent me of his music and the several pages of explanation for each song. I always felt that he was a very nice guy.

Yep, I actually found my list he sent me as well the other day, when I was cleaning out the CD cupboard!
Wasn't there someone here who was in a band with Teysha at some point? Don't recall who it was, or if they're still here.