Craigslist banner ad?


All you have is now
Just started a few days ago and adaware can't touch it...

A green banner ad appears that correlates with whatever you are searching for on craigslist. i.e. me looking for a keyboard stand, a ad from sweetwater or amazon pops up at the top..

The ad has an icon to the right where you are supposed to be able to far ...not so much
Update.. probably not from Craigslist but a Chrome extension Photo editor I added. I disabled the extension and no mo block in of itself could not block it... :cursing:
Its the Lizard People, mate. They've caught up with you. Time to terminate your internet connection, buy a woolly hat and move to The Yukon.
I have Adblock on Chrome and see nothing :D

This ^^^^^

I see no ads, don't wanna see any ads, won't click on any ads.

The only intrusive ad things that show up for me are those lame-ass facebook connect and like buttons. I wish like hell I could get rid of those too.