Can I sing / How does my voice sound ;) Huh?

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You Are The Walrus

I LOVE checking out other members songs, websites, and whatever else I can. I can always learn something, I figure.

This brings me to the can I sing thread.. Some of these guys already know they can sing and are obviously on a fishing expedition. Some have great voices and sing rather well. And they already know it! This ruins the thread for those who are serious about learning and getting a good honest opinion. Love those guys!

PS: It is not my intention to come across as a prick, it's just my own little humble observation:D
I tend to stay away from that subforum. I know it shouldn't. but it annoys me to no end.

Seems there are 2 basic types with all shades of grey in between.

1) Those that are good and looking to show off under a guise of false modesty.
2) Those that are horrible and looking for reassurance.

Bottom line for me, based on having known and worked with many singers, is this;

Most singers are attention whores, not all, but most.
Most singers are attention whores, not all, but most.

I don't know about whores but ALL singers like the attention and accolades that come with it....That's why they are laying their souls and egos on the line to be praised, tolerated or laughed at.

It is more evident / obvious with "Lead" singers that don't play an instrument and it seems that they tend to be more the "head case" type. At least that has been my experience..not all but plenty of em.

Birds sing to get attention so do people..... not that weird.

To the the OP's point it is weird when an obvious pro post in such a thread but it's that reaffirmation thing .....many great singers are actually insecure about their voice.

What I find uncomfortable is telling the ones that suck they "need to get some lessons".

Some people are just fricking tone deaf and all the tea in China isn't going to fix that.
How many singers does it take to change a lightbulb? Only one. they grab the lightbulb and the entire universe revolves around them...