Roland chorus echo on/off switch


New member

The inner arm on the button for on/off broke on my chorus/space echo and the spring popped out. I'm able to use tweezers or pliers to push in and pull out for turning on and off, but I was wondering if I could rebuild it, or if anyone had a good solution like a push/pull type toggle instead of rebuilding the spring mechanism.

Sorry if this is more cosmetic DIY rather than electrical
probably best trying to find a replacement and soldering it in for what it's worth, I had a similar thing on an old power amp and found a replacement (better quality) switch for less than 40 pence.
Where did you find a replacement? I asked my friend who is a tech here and he said it would be really difficult to find a replacement piece for the spring system. I feel like a toggle to push/pull would be easier for me to build.

Is there a place to go for replacement parts like this?

For reference, it's the black on/off button on the re 501 chorus echo. Some re 501s have white buttons instead
well for this power amp it was more of a general purpose switch so it was readily available, from maplin, from looking into the 501 you will need an ALPS switch which are of the highest quality, it might be worth contacting them, it looks a bit more unusual than normal, they might have been custom made for roland japan, back then they did things properly.