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  1. V

    Need help with 'VU Bulbs'

    Does anyone know where I can get some replacement VU meter bulbs for a Studer A80 MKIV? The only ones I've been able to find so far are on Ebay for about $15 for 4 bulbs (with addition of shipping costs of another $15!) - so that's basically about $30 for 4 bulbs!! (I think these are being...
  2. V

    Ampex - Gp9

    Does anyone out there know the main difference between Ampex 456 and GP9 for the most part? I'm considering using the GP9 on both a 1/4-inch 2-track mastering deck, and also for a Studer 24-track 2-inch. I've heard that the GP9 tape is a good bit 'hotter' (or allows more 'headroom') than Ampex...
  3. V

    automated mixer for Tascam MS-16?

    Ok, I got a question here that I really need help with (if it's even possible) and I'll try to state it as 'simple' as possible: - I've got a Tascam MS-16 (16 track r2r, 1" tape) and a Tascam DM-3200 mixer. As you probably already know, the Tascam DM-3200 mixer has fully automated faders. My...
  4. V

    16-track vs. 24-track (r2r)

    Possibly a 'dumb' question here, but still - I'd like to get some honest responses if possible: My question at hand is: What are the advantages & disadvantages of using a 16-track, 1-inch r2r - vs. - using a 24-track, 2-inch r2r? (or, is the 2-inch, 24-track machine just 'better' all-around?)...