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  1. J

    Ultimate 500 series recording chain

    GEAR UP BOYS AND GIRLS! Up for sale is my bands "ultimate vocal recording chain". API 500 Series Lunch Box Great River MP-500NV (Mercenary Edition) Pico 500 Compressor FCS (Rare!!! discontinued to focus on their rack gear) Purple ODD EQ (The one and only) All in absolute pristine condition (see...
  2. J

    Dose of Noob Reality

    I had quite an epiphany today. One of those turning points you have that just makes you go I'm getting it! Just Thought I would share with the other noobs out there. I have been crawling on these forums a little over a year learning the ins/out of recording, mixing, plugins...
  3. J

    Urgent Drum Miking Question

    Urgent because, our drummer is coming to my new studio (or second floor...:D) to lay down the final take on our originals this afternoon and I'm still scrambling to get the right mike technique to use. I'm looking for anyone that has had some success recording in small extremely dead room. (I'm...
  4. J

    Heading down to Mercenary Audio (500 series)

    I have an opportunity to drive down to Mercenary Audio on Monday to check out some high end gear. I have read countless threads and have a pretty good Idea of what I'm looking for when I head down there. But I don't want to give those ideas away yet......:) I want your opinions.......they...
  5. J

    Help with Gain on Presonus MP20

    I just got an MP20 for recording the vocals for my band, and I'm little bit of a hard time with. I'm a newbie so please bear with me. I'm using a CAD E100 straight to the presonus then out to my MOTU 828. I set the level on channel 1 so that the loudest passage was just hitting 0db on the...
  6. J

    Triggering a sample with acoustic Snare

    I am having a brutal time trying to get my drummers recorded snare sampled in Sonar 7. I have made it as far as Gating the Track then bouncing to get just the transients of the snare hit but I can't for the life of me get from there to a midi channel with snare samples. I'm getting stuck at...
  7. J

    Snare Drum Reverb Help

    I'm just diving into the realm of mixing and just can't seem to get the snare sound I'm looking for. I recorded top and bottom mic and have the dry sound of the snare pretty close. But I took a day and just listened to a lot of song that fall in the same genre as my band and have been trying...
  8. J

    Last Minute Studio Help

    Noob recording artist hear, well noob ARTIST in general. My bands in the middle of a month of recording, just finishing up the scratch tracks this week. So its crunch time and unfortunately don't have a lot of trial and error time. So I though I would start this thread so I could throw out...