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  1. E

    Cubase VST 24 vs Cakewalk Pro Audio8

    I am investing in a hard disk recording system for my home... I am research a purchase of Cubase VST 24 or Cakewalk Pro Audio 8... They seem to be very evenly matched products... I am extremely turned off by the Cubase hardware dongle... Anyone have a strong opinion of why they chose Cubase...
  2. E

    Digitech Vocalist EX Opinions

    I am contemplating getting a Digitech Vocalist EX for more options on backing vocals for a semi-pro home studio... Anyone have experience with the effects unit or opinions about the Vocalist? Please let me know...
  3. E

    Cakewalk Pro Audio8 vs. Cubase VST 24

    I am investing in a hard disk record system for home. I am torn between Cakewalk Pro Audio 8 and Cubase VST 24. I am really turned off by Cubase VST 24 dongle. Does anyone have a strong opinion on which software delivers better results for a semi-pro home studio recording synth, accoustic...
  4. E

    Cakewalk Plugins vs outboard effects

    Hi I am about to take the plunge in hard disk recording with Cakewalk ProAudio8, Acid and Sonic Foundry Mastering House with Sound Forge 4.5, CD architect and plugin FX 1 and 2. My question: Do I need a tube preamp and tube compressor limiter to record vocals and accoustic guitar, if I have...