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  1. C

    peak saving files as AIFC, not AIFF

    Okay, I just realized that I've been telling Peak to save my files as AIFF but it has been saving them as AIFC? I didn't know what AIFC was but google says it's a compressed version of AIFF?! What the hell?!? So all of my files that I thought were lossless are now compressed? Is this true...
  2. C

    Can I plug a cassette deck into the mic/instrument inputs on my Presonus Firebox?

    Hi, I am converting cassettes to my hard drive so I can burn them to CDs. I have a L&R RCA cable going out of the cassette deck and the other end of the cables have RCA to 1/4 inch converter jacks going into the Line Inputs in the back of my Firebox (i.e. Inputs 3 & 4), but it records really...
  3. C

    ID info in AIFF files?

    I am making a CD and I know how to edit ID3 info in MP3s but how do you edit it in AIFF files? What I mean is, when I put a storebought audio CD in my computer (like a Nirvana CD or whatever), it will show the name of the album and songs in iTunes, Windows Media Player etc. I want my CD to be...
  4. C

    seamless album, no pause between certain tracks

    Not sure if this is the right place for this thread, but I didn't know where else to post it. I have a bunch of original tracks that I want to put on a CD and make an album out of. But i want some tracks to run together. That is, i want no pause at all between, say Tracks 4 and 5, but I still...
  5. C

    Can someone help me remove noise from 2 very small audio clips?

    Hi there, hoping someone can help me. I have two small audio clips, one is a sample of a banjo and the other is a drum beat. Both are very short, like under 5 seconds. I want to use both of these clips in a song I am writing, but they have lots of broadband noise in them. I just got Bias...
  6. C

    no sound from MIDI controller in Logic Pro

    what in the HELL is Logic's problem?!?! I can plug my M-Audio Oxygen 61 MIDI controller into my powerbook via USB, start up any other DAW in the world and hear sound. But Logic? No. What the hell?!??! It works in Reason but not in Logic Pro!!!! I still don't understand why everyone jizzes...
  7. C

    When bouncing a beat from Reason to Logic, should it be Stereo or Mono?

    I am a rapper who creates my own beats in Reason. When I export the beat to a WAV file and then import that WAV file into Logic Audio, should I create a stereo track for it or a mono track? All I want to do is have the beat and then one or two vocal tracks and maybe a MIDI track for a hook...
  8. C

    recording from cassette tape to Firebox to Powerbook

    Hi there, I am planning to record some old cassette tapes to my 12" Powerbook G4 via my Presonus Firebox (the only audio interface I have at the moment). I would like to lose as little quality as possible. From what I have read in these forums, the best way would be to go from tape to DAT to...
  9. C

    cassette tape to computer to CD

    double posted