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    Re-record over 456???

    How many times can I re-record over 456 1/2" before I start noticing a difference?:)
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    Fostex Alignment/Flutter tape for E-16

    Anyone interested in buying my Fostex Alignment Calibration tape or Flutter tape for a 1/2" sixteen track machine (e-16 or b-16)? The tape models are 9200 and 9201. I bought these last year and used the Alignment tape once. I never got around to purchasing a Flutter meter, so that one was...
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    What position is your R2R in?

    Hey folks, Just wondering what position you keep your machine in? I used to have my Fostex E-16 on a Quick Lok rack that was in a permanent 45 degree angle. It seemed to work out for the size of the room I was. This was in an apartment, mind you. After I moved into a home I kept the E-16...
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    How do I "flange" with an AG440?

    I want to perform the old school technique of flanging. I have a prerecorded mix (on disc) that I was going to send to my Ampex AG440. What next? :confused:
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    M-powered SMPTE?

    Does anyone know if I can sync my old Fostex E-16 with Pro Tools M-Powered 7.1? I've got lot's of old Fostex gear (4050 autolocator & cables) to run it if possible.
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    best tape for Ampex AG440??

    Can anyone recommend the best tape for mastering? I'm recording to a late 60's/early 70's Ampex AG440 at 15ips. I've been using GP9, but the recordings have a bit too much hiss. Is the bias off? Can this machine bias up that high???
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    Using GP9 with Ampex AG440

    Just looking for opinions on using GP9 or other high output tape with an AG440. Is this recommended?? I'm told this machine can't be biased for it.