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  1. C

    Tascam 388 Computer???

    Hey, I love my Tascam 388, it works so well, it sounds great, and produces warm and clean tracks. I only have one problem, getting it to the computer. I want to do the final mixdown on the computer. So I need to get 8 tracks to my computer simultaneously. I looked into getting an I/O but I...
  2. C

    Post high school decisions (A career)

    Wasnt sure where to put this but here it is. Alright, i am nearing the end of high school and am very interested and enthusiastic about making a living in the recording industry. I would like to be either a producer or make records either in my studio or another persons studio. I have pretty...
  3. C

    Is it possible to record 8 tracks simoltaneously?

    Is it possible to record 8 tracks simoltaneously? I have a tascam 388. If it is not can i only do four simoltaneously? I tried searching, but found nothing. Thanks.
  4. C

    Superlux???? so cheap!

    I cant find anything bad about these mics. They are sooooo cheap. People comparing them to neumann's costing 25 times the price? Whats going on. Im specifically talking about the CM-H8A(B or C)
  5. C

    Tascam 388 acoustic project

    Hey, I am looking for a good setup for my studio which is mailny just a tascam 388. I have reverb units, outboard mixer (which i use as a preamp...yuck) and other various effects. I have an D-15 with an LR Baggs M1 soundhole pickup, the pickup sounds really good, maybe through a preamp or...
  6. C

    Tascam 388 weird noise.

    Today I was recording the final bass tracks to my first ep on the 388 and i noticed a quiet fuzzy poppy noise, much like a dirty pot but at a slow speed. it was constant and i could not find out where it was coming from. It seemed to be only going through the output of the 388 (Which i had a...
  7. C

    Practice amp? vox or epiphone

    Ok here is the deal, I am looking to get a practice/ recording amp for Christmas, I would like an amp that can be crunchy clean, (like the harder you play the crunchier it gets) but also can get distorted. I have narrowed it down to two amplifiers. The first one Being and epiphone valve junior...
  8. C

    Tascam 388 to CD?

    What is the best way to get my recording off of a tascam 388 to a CD? i know there are numerous ways, but if i where to spend money and do it right, how should i do it? thanks