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  1. C

    Should I get a Sebatron?

    Hi, Im looking at getting my first high-end mic-pre, and after reading every post there is on this board about pre's (LOTS!) I'm kinda leaning towards a Sebatron VMP-1000 or 2000 (1ch/2ch). These are available to me from the US for $720 and $1060 respectively. I'v also been thinking about...
  2. C

    Can't turn the gain past one!?!

    Hey, I just got an Altec 1589b mic preamp. I tried using it today on the snare and if I turned the gain past one, it would clip on the desk and on protools, even with the desk gain and fader right down! Is an attenuator (such as this...
  3. C

    My Garage Studio Pics

    Hey, I converted my small garage into a studio about 4 months ago, only getting round to putting up pics now! No construction pics, didnt have a digital camera then! The studio itself is very small, live room and control room both around 8ft square, double door between them. Anyway's the pics...
  4. C

    Panning: How do you eat yours?!

    When it comes to mixing, how do you get that big full guitar sound? Is there a certain way of panning guitar tracks, i.e. how far apart should they be panned? I'm ok with panning the kit, bass and vocals etc, but I'd love to know how everyone pans their guitars, and how many guitar tracks they...
  5. C

    Burn It To The Ground

    Hey, Just recorded my second session with a local band, "Burn It..." This is a rough mix, and I'm still only learning, so comments/criticisms etc would be hugely appreciated!!
  6. C

    First mix and first post! :)

    Hey, I've recently gotten together a small garage studio, and have been offering free recording for local bands, just to get some experience and build up a "CV" if you will! This is the first band I recorded, all aged about 17, and not the best players in the world by far (or with the best...
  7. C

    Phantom Power works, Desk doesnt!!!! Help!!

    Hi, I have a Soundcraft Folio SX 20 channel desk that I've been using now for a few weeks for some recording. I just moved it back into the house from the garage to put it back in its hard-case, and when I wnet to power it back on, the power led doesnt come on. But the phantom power button...
  8. C

    Running Protools on a 2 HD machine?

    Hi, I am planning on installing and running a Digi 001 on my pc, and adding a second hard drive (200gb) on which Protools (and nothing else!) will be installed, and bringing my ram up to 1Gb. The PC will still have the original hard drive operating as well, with internet, games etc on it, so...