Search results

  1. S

    Using limiters on drums

    There's more than one way to skin a cat and it's not "wrong" to compress during tracking. Nothing is "wrong" in recording. It's a creative endeavor. What matters is, are the results what YOU want? But the same applies to trying to cookie cutter your recording technique. Nothing sounds worse than...
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    Do I want/need a Model 24?

    I don't have experience with the Model 24 but I would also recommend you consider the Portastudio (DP24) first. If your use case is recording, it has a major superpower: the optional footswitch. This lets you do punching in and out on the fly while you are alone so smoothly and effectively it's...
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    Can the Tascam Model 24 make a good recording?

    Yeah, agreed. That's a crazy good price. The only competing product is the Zoom Livetrak series but in my experience the user experience and workflow on Zoom's products gets in the way more often. Tascam has it figured out.
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    Anyone have experience with

    I use CD Baby. A related product that CD Baby pushes toward you is Was curious to hear if anyone else had tried it
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    Can the Tascam Model 24 make a good recording?

    Pretty sure the point of the Tascam Model XX products is that they connect up to your DAW in addition to providing you remote recording capabilities. For all the stuff you're talking about, the Model 16 (or 24 or whatever) would connect to your existing DAW so there's no need for the Model 16 to...
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    "Gain" without plugins

    You can definitely get a little hair like what you'd get with a gain plugin via outboard gear. After all, any gain plugin is an emulation of what happens with outboard gear. You can get gain off preamps or compressors or also via unorthodox means such as guitar amps and pedals. (There's even the...
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    How Many People Are Using Cassettes Here?

    True. I just know my own experience. Never used minidisc tbh. Now I know they are far superior. But ... just imagine being a teenager and going down to the electronics store and you look at prices, and you see: $15 for one minidisc. $10 for 6 cassettes. I'm sure those aren't real numbers and I'm...
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    SG Strap Button Relocation?

    Just get rid of it. Before long you'll find other things that suckkkk about SGs. I had one for years, misguided and trying to love it the whole time, modded it every which way. One day I literally threw it down on the stage in disgust in front of a crowd. By the time I put it up for sale I...
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    Simple musical equations ?

    Interesting! A bud and I used to have this debate all the time. I would say, "Songs are more popular because of their hook. For proof just look at Nirvana. Certainly fans of Nirvana never had any care for what the lyrics were," and he would say "no songs are mostly popular because of their...
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    How Many People Are Using Cassettes Here?

    I grew up around this time and the reason was that minidiscs were freakin expensive as compared to cassettes.
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    New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

    Also watch out for Shure SM58's online ... been seeing some discussion recently on Reddit about counterfeits
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    New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

    Hi @Manlikechez welcome to the forum. I have a couple eBay tips I use. 1. You can use "Advanced Search" to find Sold listings which gives you an idea of what the price range is for whatever you're looking for. This helps you not to overpay which is a real danger because some sellers list items...
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    New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

    I agree with this. If you need more of a DAW then Reaper is more useful than Audacity. You'll find features you might like such as the ability to quantize audio to a different BPM. But if you're doing more of editing audio files, then Audacity works fine. It just depends on what you're doing...
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    What ? Eh ? Run that by me again ?

    This Monty Montgomery video is pretty good about the digital vs analog "difference" and shows that an analog waveform is reproduced perfectly from a digital source. That doesn't mean that due to other various reasons from the manufacturing process to the playback device and everything in...
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    How Many People Are Using Cassettes Here?

    My perception is that cassettes are a big deal right now. Lots of music blogs talking about tape labels (which are independent record labels releasing things only on tape) and lots of the bands I'm into putting out cassettes right now. Don't know how it came back but it seems like its back in a...
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    Legaly posting cover songs on youtube?

    First: I AM NOT A LAWYER. Second: I'm strictly speaking of the US here. Legally you can and should receive money from a cover, even on YouTube. You just need a mechanical license for the song through HFA or another org. The songwriter(s) own the work/composition but you own the sound...
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    Tell me your pedal chain and why thank you

    Thanks for the thread people. I have one fuzz pedal and one octave pedal in front. Sometimes. Otherwise there's nothing but the guitar and the amp. I've been considering something like the Boss ME-80 though, for fun.
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    Boss OC-5 vs. BBE Supa-Charger

    Huh. Interesting. I always see that the Boss pedals say they only work with Boss PSA power supply but I have run various Boss pedals off a One-Spot + daisy chain with no issue. I don't think I ever tried the OC-5.