Search results

  1. DefenderOfRock

    Top 40 drum sounds

    Hey all. I just happened across a top 40 pop type radio station this morning on the way to work, and I heard some drum sounds that intriguded me. It was electronic, kindof like, well, hehe, teenybopper candy mtv pop style. I was thinking of playing around with sounds like that with my own...
  2. DefenderOfRock

    What external HD are you using?

    Hello all. I was wondernig what kind of external HD everbody is using. I am going to start recording with my laptop soon and I need to get another HD because the current one is only 30 gigs and kinda full and heavily irreparibly fragmented. I was thinkin about getting one with both 1394 and...
  3. DefenderOfRock

    When to get a 'puter for music only....?

    Hey all. I was wondering at what point does it make sense to get a standalone computer for music recording only? So heres the dealeeyo... I dont plan on ever having more than 8-10 tracks at one time, and im gonna keep the internal effects processing to a minimum. So, do yall think that...
  4. DefenderOfRock

    How do those MOTU interfaces work?

    How do those f/w interfaces work? Can I use a mixer to mix and monitor? Ok, heres the dealeeyo... I am thinkin about "upgrading" to comptuder recording soon, but I only really want to if I can use my mixing board for mixing/monitoring. I really only want to use the computer for the actual...
  5. DefenderOfRock

    Advice on temporary room treatments.

    Hello everyone. I do a lot of demo quality recording for my friends and local artists, and often take my setup to their houses and reharsal spaces to record them. Needless to say, most of these rooms all have less then desierable acoustical environments (that is, they sound really bad!). I...
  6. DefenderOfRock

    What remote for a 238?

    Hello everyone. I just recently purchased a tascam 238 syncassette. It is quite rockin! I am interested in buying a remote control for it, and I was wondering what kind of units were compatible. The RC-88 is the only one that Im aware of, and they go like (very expensive) hotcakes on eBay...
  7. DefenderOfRock

    Good acoustic DI box or preamp

    Hello everyone. I am going to start gigging with my Takamine acoustic/electric and will be plugging into my Tech 21 Trademark 60 so that I dont have to buy another amp. I am looking for a good acoustic DI or pre amp to sweeten/fatten/wooden/whatever up the sound a bit. My first question is...
  8. DefenderOfRock

    Me and my 238

    Hello everyone. I am now the proud owner of a sweetness Tascam 238. Im way stoked to get started with it. Does anyone happen to know the whereabouts of some PDF documentation on this bad boy? (manual, maintinence etc). Also, do any other remote units work with it besides the RC-88? The...
  9. DefenderOfRock

    How do 8-track multitracks work?

    Hello everyone. I am an cassette-based recording enthusiast and I am outgrowing my current Tascam 4 track. I am looking to upgrade to a Tascam 424mkIII, the 464, 488, or maybe even the 238 (if i could figure out how to work the i/o with my mixer). I was wondering how the 8-track recorders...