Search results

  1. Basilosauridae

    Added Cloudlifter - Now picking up radio frequency?

    Hi friends :) I bought a cloudlifter to use with my EV RE20 and focusrite 3rd gen solo and now I'm hearing what seem to be very faint radio signals. Some basic googling says this might be an issue with my XLR cables? I currently use this kind of cable (Tourtek Pro TPM), do you think that is...
  2. Basilosauridae

    Headphones for music listening?

    Not really a home recording question, but I figured you guys would have good recommendations. I'm looking for some discrete headphones (so not gigantic) with decent bass that I can bring to work. Can be over ear headphones or in-ear/airpod style. Bluetooth preferred but wired is fine, too. Would...
  3. Basilosauridae

    Recommendations for digital interface instead of knobs?

    I have a Scarlett Focusrite Solo Gen 3 interface for voice over/voice acting work. Its fine, but I'm not really happy with it. It makes a weird clicking noise from time to time that I've tried everything to solve and the gain knob is really hard to work with. I'm doing a live streaming project...
  4. Basilosauridae

    Why is turning my light OFF causing interference?

    I'm fully stumped on this one. I noticed my interface was making a clicking noise (not what you hear here, just a little blip noise) and my cord management isn't the best so I untangled all my cords and got them all straightened out and separated from each other. The clicking went away but this...
  5. Basilosauridae

    Rode NT2-A vs AKG C414 vs Neumann TLM 103

    Hello friends, long time no talk. :) I'm thinking of finally getting a LDC mic for my voice over work (I currently use an EV RE20) and am seriously looking at the Rode NT2-A and AKG C414. I'm not particularly on a budget, I'm hoping to get something that will be a "forever" mic. I was...
  6. Basilosauridae

    Voice modulators for sounding like another person?

    Hey everyone, I've posted a bunch about doing voice over. I'm not like a character actress with a bunch of voices, but I do do audiobooks as well as some other projects where it is requested that I do at least two different characters. Curious if anyone could recommend any programs/plugins for...
  7. Basilosauridae

    Thoughts on AKG C414 XLII VS Neumann u87 for voice over?

    I'm not planning on making any purchases any time soon, but I would like to add a nice large diaphragm condenser mic to my arsenal as many clients require one and currently I only have dynamic cardioid mics (A shure SM58 I never use anymore and an EV RE20 that is my main mic now) I was looking...
  8. Basilosauridae

    How to set up mic for livestreaming?

    I have an EV RE20 and a focusrite scarlett solo interface and I'd like to start doing live streaming. From watching other live streams I see that people are able to put on a noise gate for live streaming among other things. How does this work? Is this a program I need to download? How can I do...
  9. Basilosauridae

    Help with Noise Gate

    So I'm editing an audiobook and the way that I do it is that I completely eliminate background noise and breaths from my vocal track and then I lay a room noise track under it. I do this because its way easier to work with the vocal track if I don't have to worry about making the room noise...
  10. Basilosauridae

    Anyone know what mic this is?

    I’m on voice over tiktok and just curious what this mic is. Photo attached. Thanks!
  11. Basilosauridae

    Best way to edit for ACX's loudness requirements?

    So I'm working on editing an audiobook that has some very dramatic scenes where characters are yelling at each other. I'm hesitant to post a clip since it isn't released yet but I have a screenshot that shows the variability. I've done plenty of audiobooks but none with parts where raising my...
  12. Basilosauridae

    Effects for a monster voice?

    I'm working on an audiobook with a female werewolf character. The author specified that in werewolf form she speaks in "otherworldly trills". Right now in the recording I'm trying to do my best monster voice, but I'm not super happy with it. What would you suggest doing to make her sound like...
  13. Basilosauridae

    How to make my VO sound like its a voicemail?

    I don't really know anything about different voice effects... I have a commission where someone wants it to sound like its a voicemail. How would you go about that? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  14. Basilosauridae

    Is there any reason for me to upgrade from Scarlett Focusrite Solo?

    I currently have a Scarlett Focusrite Solo 3 gen and an EV RE20 for voice over work (thinking of buying the Neumann u87ai sometime in the next year or two). I feel like I have a decent grasp on microphone differences and quality but I have zero idea what makes a good interface, what I should...
  15. Basilosauridae

    What is this click that just started appearing on my recordings?

    Hello audio daddys This weird noise started appearing on my recordings today. I dicked around with all my cords, unplugging and plugging back in and moving them further away from each other, which is the extent of my troubleshooting knowledge and did nothing to help. thoughts on what might...
  16. Basilosauridae

    Is there any plugin I could get that could recognize and shorten silences?

    I do audiobook narration and its generally good practice to silence/reduce breaths and then shorten the gaps by at least 30%. My current process for audiobook processing is to create a duplicate of my vocal track and the apply a noise gate to one of them set at the average RMS amplitude to cut...
  17. Basilosauridae

    How do I get rid of this rustling noise in my VO vocals?

    After normalizing, adding compression, deesser, and noise reduction I'm left with a small rustling noise, heard here under the words "welcome back" and "like the ultra heavy" and "military". Is this a mic technique issue? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
  18. Basilosauridae

    How to fix messed up headphone cord?

    Hey besties I figured y’all would know how to fix this (see pic) what do I do? Also why are the Sony MDR7506 cords 25 feet long? Thank you in advance 👏
  19. Basilosauridae

    Help recording quiet foley work

    Hey guys I've posted here before about the fact that I do adult voice acting work. People often want SFX/foley work involved and for the most part I can figure it out or find something on a sound effect site. Things like creaky beds, ass smacking, etc Sigh... you guys are going to love this...
  20. Basilosauridae

    Rode NT1 or Sennheiser MK4 for Voice Over?

    I recently posted about upgrading from a Shure SM58 to an EV RE20 for voice over. I really like the EV RE20 overall and will keep using it, but I do think some of the nuance is lost with it and most VO most people recommend a condenser mic, so I'm thinking of adding one to my gear collection...