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  1. C

    Metal - testing Mackie Control with Cubase, Here's my first mix using it

    Comments and suggestions much appreciated. I'm still learning how to integrate the Presonus Series 3 into my workflow. This mix only took like 3 1/2 hours, including all the guitar re-amping (about 8 guitar tracks). It was an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE getting the Series 3 working with my PC and...
  2. C

    Separate Ways cover, first mix on a new setup

    My Presonus 24 classic just died and I replaced it and the recording PC while I was at it. Sooo.. a few years ago I got stems from some friends from college goofing around with a Separate Ways cover. I chose that as my first remix. This is my first mix on this new setup. There's a few snares...