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  1. M

    Studer 928 Story...

    It looks like you made a really good deal on those meters! I have to recap one more stereo channel before I can move on with the monitoring section (For A/B comparison i leave chanel 40 with old caps and channel 39 with only new electrolytics without foils). yesterday I recapped channel 32 and...
  2. M

    Studer 928 Story...

    Hi, i think i figured it out. all the master section meters are connected seperately to a "riser board", where wired go to the mainboard. i think it are the blu/white twisted cables with label 31 and 32 that correspond to the l / r monitor meter
  3. M

    Studer 928 Story...

    Hope this is what you were asking for. it was a 1kHz square wave. I have not made distortion or noise analysis so far, but i think i will next week
  4. M

    Studer 928 Story...

    They monitor the Control Room bus, the gain reduction meter seems to have no function. I the meantime I have made some quick measurements. The Master A is equipped with new caps + foil bypass. Channel 40 is original state. Testsignal 1 kHz square wave. Channel 35 is equipped with new caps +...
  5. M

    Studer 928 Story...

    I start with the stereo channels (try some other opamps as well (yes i am just a little bit crazy :guitar:), then the master section, and then the mono channels, so it takes some time, but if I reach that point, I will share my experiences... Hope I didn't messed up with the text editor and it...
  6. M

    Studer 928 Story...

    Hi, I just created an account to reply to this thread... I bought a 928 (for € 3k) that was used in a studio at RTL Netherlands 3 weeks ago, fully untested, as there were no power cables :facepalm: I built 2 and then saw that everything was working (as far as i could test it). I started...