Search results

  1. YOgurtbeats

    Alesis Master Control

    Hi there, Does anybody know where i can find Alesis Master Control for sale? I found it on ebay but the price is too much!!!
  2. YOgurtbeats

    Mixing Techiques(N.Y Compression Trick)

    Here is an article about N.Y. Compression on how to use it Hope you enjoy it!!! mixing techniques
  3. YOgurtbeats

    MIXING Drums with Waves Plugins(Basics)

    Here is an article about mixing the basics of mixing drums with waves plugins mixing drums with waves plugins
  4. YOgurtbeats

    New beats!!!

    Check my new Beats!! tell me what you think!!! new Beats
  5. YOgurtbeats

    MIXING A SAMPLE(how to make samples clearer for use)

    here is a new article about mixing a sample along with the drums and bass. hope you enjoy it!!!! mixing a sample