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  1. L

    beyond general midi...

    Hello Everyone, It's been a while since I've posted to the HomeRecording forums. I've been looking on the web as well as in this forum and am not seeing what I am looking for. I am using Cakewalk Pro 9 and a basic midi compatable older Kawai. I know how to use General midi (and...
  2. L

    Mixing & Mastering...I'm I doing this right?

    Ok...this may take a bit as I do tend to be rather -long winded- when I write, so thank you in advance for you patience and maybe grab a cup of coffee before you start! This project I'm working on is getting down to the wire so to speak. I sort of understand the basics of mastering, but have...
  3. L

    level meters...are they acurate?

    Hello Again! Sorry I've been away from the forum the last few weeks, been a little crazy around here. Anyways, what I need to know is; are the level meters on the mixing consol in CWPA 9 accurate? I've been using a couple of various plugins with meters on the masters (ie the PSP AudioWare...
  4. L

    order of effects...

    Greetings All! I think this is the first time that I've posted to this part of the forums, so bear with me :-) What I basically need to know is; is there any rule of thumb about what order to run effects in? What I'm running on my masters (err... Calkwalk Pro Audio 9) is; reverb, compression...
  5. L

    Cakewalk file names?

    Hello Again Everyone! Can someone please tell me how your supposed to be able to identify which tracks your using in Cakewalk with the actual .wav file that Cakewalk puts on the harddrive? When I look at the file name in the track window in Cakewalk, it says something to the effect of "Tool...
  6. L

    Cakewalk and effects...

    Hello Again! This may sound like a somewhat silly question, but I haven't been able to find the answer in the Cakewalk help files. When running multiple effects on a track...say compression, eq and reverb respectively (i.e. the basics), does CWPA run these effects sequencially? In other words...
  7. L

    New problem...bongos....

    Hello Again, Just ran into a new problem with one of the projects I am working on and am rather befuzzled. I layed down some bongo's and every time I try to put reverb on them...I get some funky distortion. I've listened to the track at all volume levels and have taken a very close look at the...
  8. L

    inialization or .ini question...

    Hello All! I am new to these forums so thanks in advance for your patience and wisdom. I'm relativly new to the world of Cakewalk and will probably have many questions as I go here. I"m running CWPA 9...given to me by a friend when he upgraded to Sonar (but he kept the freakin manual). I'm...
  9. L

    Another bass recording question...

    Greetings All, I am new to this/these forums and will have many questions for the various forums as I go here, so thanks to all of you in advace for your advice, your patience, and for sharing your collective wisdoms with me. I have been playing with recording for a few years now, but have only...