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  1. K

    REQ : Feedback on a home mastering

    Hey everybody ! As the topic says, I would like to get some feedback about the last master I've done for a remix contest. Any improvements suggestions are more than welcome
  2. K

    Consider making Studio teaser's of your work !

    Just discovered about these studio tutorials on youtube ! Pretty good idea to gather more people to your channel. Here's what I made up yesterday. Let me know what you think about the video ;)
  3. K

    Ableton studio teaser

    K12 - STUDIO TEASER - [Episode 1] Featuring "untitled track" Software : Ableton Live 9
  4. K

    Use Buses and Parallel compression

    using them is THE KEY to get a real proper and heavy mixing. Of course there's always some improvement to make ^^ this is what my current ableton project looks like :
  5. K

    how to setup a decent Ableton project

    To get a proper mix you absolutely needs to set different buses for each musical elements. for exemple here is the tracks I'm currently working on. Look at how the ableton template is designed ;) If you have any improvement to suggest... feel free to share em !!