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    Technical death metal intro- how does it sound?

    Hi guys, as well as my more ambient/electronic chilled out stuff, I play guitar on another project and I was wondering what you all think of the mix so far. I'm thinking of changing the kick drum to be more sharper and changing a few things with the eq but it would be great to get a different...
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    Looking to collaborate with some vocalists. Electronic/?

    Looking to collaborate with a vocalists. Electronic/? Hi guys and gals, I hope this is in the right place. I couldn't see a devoted forum for collabs but I may have missed it. I have just finished writing a track and I was wondering if any of you fine folk fancy doing a collaboration on it? I...
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    Just finished electronic/filmscore/ambient EP and looking for feedback

    Hi guys, I have just finished writing and recording an EP which is kind of moody/electronic/filmscore/ambient (hard to categorize) and I am looking for some feedback really. It won't appeal to everyone but if you think it might be your thing then it would be great to let me know what you think...
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    Hello :)

    Hi guys, just stopping by to say hello as a new member. I'm looking forward to becoming a part of this community, picking up some useful skills in the process and getting to know some fellow homerecord'ers. I also have some music to share with you but I thought I would introduce myself first :)...