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  1. S

    no output in the headset but going through the internal speakers ?

    Hey guys! I have a presonus audio box usb and protools 10. Im not so sure but I could hear everything find in my headset but when I play back the music, it plays on my INTERNAl speakers of my laptop and not my headset. I wonder is there a way to fix this issue. I know it has to be a setting...
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    Sample Rate ?

    "problem detected with audio clock check that your clock source and sample rate are correct" Im super new. I start to hit record and play to record my piano. Then I keep getting this pop up message ? Im on Pro Tools 10 with a Personus audio box
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    Help Setting up my Yamaha Keyboard P95 with, personus audiobox usb, and pro tools 10

    Hi guys. Im currently following tutorial but he is using a Guitar. I have a Yamaha keyboard p95 and a Personus audio box usb, and Pro tools 10. I want to know how do you set it up to wheres Pro tool 10 can recognize it. 1. I tried the method, made a track as...
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    Need Crititque on my setup before purchase!

    Hey Guys! Im new to the whole audio world, and my goal is to first play the piano and perhaps within a year, make my first track. I had a budget of $1,200USD to put together a small base studio and after talking to several guys at Guitar Center, here are the products I plan to purchase. I'm...