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  1. A

    I want to record MIDI on iPad and export to Ableton

    I'm really into Ableton Live. But I can't take Ableton with me to work. I want an app for iPad Retina so I can fiddle with loops and ideas during my free hours at work and later, at home, export these midi loops to Ableton. I don't really need audio recording, only multitrack midi recording...
  2. A

    Lots of stuff, lots of doubts, lots of hope.

    Hello. I'm new to the forums so I thought I should start posting this here. Sorry if it's too demanding or long. I hope "nobody will laugh" as stated in the board's description. I'm Brazilian so forgive any english mistakes. I don't want to be a professional producer. I just want to make music...
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    Tascam DR-05 connection to PC

    Hello I have a Tascam DR-05... instead of the auxiliar cable connection to the pc, is there any other options? I want to record directly to audacity instead of recording in the tascam, usb connecting, opening audio file in audacity, repeat. I tried the aux cable connection but the audio was...