Search results

  1. akaMantis

    Dubstep project, need a mix and arrangement critique

    Haven't posted here in quite a while. I've been working on this the past three days or so and since I'm somehow taking this song more seriously than I take most of my music, I'm interested in seeing what kind of suggestions I can get here. There are a couple bits that I'm currently horrified...
  2. akaMantis

    Newish big beat track

    I call this Big Round Bomb. It was basically an experiment in putting Electro-style sounds in a Big Beat song. I used some samples from "Feel the Rhythm" by DJ Mac and DJ Rob. Opinions, comments, bashes?
  3. akaMantis

    The End

    Put this together a couple months ago for a contest that never started, so me being impatient I simply released it lol. A lot of my friends and fans like this one, so I figured I'd put it here to get picked apart by this crowd. I'd really like to know what y'all think of this one!
  4. akaMantis

    Short, mellow electronic WIP

    Every so often, I sift through all my old, abandoned projects that I never finished because 1) they sucked or 2) I didn't remain interested long enough to finish. This song is one I uncovered when I was going through them a month or so ago. Anyway, right now what I've got is a...
  5. akaMantis

    Orbit - a trance song

    This is my newest song. I'm a bit concerned that I dragged the beginning out too long (that's been an outstanding issue with my songs in the past). I'm not sure anyone at this particular forum is even going to like this at all, but I'm proud of it anyway :D Feel free to comment and...
  6. akaMantis

    Bassline fail. Seeking advice.

    This song has been "finished" for about a month or two, but I'm still a little horrified by how the bassline sounds. All muddled and weird. I've played around with it for a couple days and haven't been able to get it to my liking...anyone have some advice? Listen to 2:04 through 3:15 for the...
  7. akaMantis

    Going to see what happens...

    ...if I put up one of my songs as my first post here. I never saw a greeting/welcome forum, so consider this my hello. The song is called Postcards, made in Ableton 7 several months ago. Hope you all enjoy it. :D It should go without saying that constructive criticism is much appreciated. :)