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  1. G

    Roland 880ex

    Does anyone know if it's possible to export .wav files to a computer via zip disc? Thanks in advance.
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    Original Bruce Springsteen Recording Pretty cool, huh?
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    if you're in washington...
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    first 414 recording
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    tascam 424 MKIII adapter

    is there any other portastudio that uses the same power adapter? also, if anyone has an extra adapter for the 424 mkiii, I would love to buy it off of you :). thanks
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    I need an 8 (or more) multitrack recorder to record my drum machines (each of the 8 tracks individually). I've read a lot of good things about the Tascam 488, but I would like to record 8 tracks simultaneously. Now not only am I going to use it to record my beats, but eventually I'm going to...