Search results

  1. Rochey

    Control for DAW

    Just as a matter of interest, I picked up a "Microsoft Strategic Commander" in a local supermarket for 38Euro yesterday. Thats roughly 38US dollars as well. From what I've seen, they are fully programmable and can perform any combination of key presses that your computer keyboard can. Take a...
  2. Rochey


    Okay,... I 'was' going to buying these speakers in a few months time... So, I did a double check with the pro's over at All those speakers have had from them is a slating. Are they really that bad? I'll be stepping up from some Spirit Absolute Zero's - how much of a change...
  3. Rochey

    The Size of a comfortable control room

    Okay guys... here's a quickie for you.... I've been through Johns manual countless times, and i've seen some of the great CR designs he's done. At the moment, i'm going through the processes of designing a studio that I may some-day be able to afford (read: Fantasy, but with some cost...
  4. Rochey

    Eels "Daisy through concrete"

    If anyone knows this song.... The keyboard part at the start, is that a Rhodes??? How did they get such a gritty sound, i love it :) All I can say is... i want one...
  5. Rochey

    New Mobo

    Hey guys, A friend of mine has recently bought a 2nd hand audiophile card. He now wants to upgrade his mobo, memory and processor. worse thing is, he expects to do the whole lot for under $350... which is pushing things to say the least. He's asked me for advice... (always a dangerous thing)...
  6. Rochey

    DI'ng a guitar

    Okay, I've just read Bruce's big drum recording thread, and a really cool idea is mentioned there... DI'ing the guitar. Using a DI box to bring in the guitar signal to the PC before it goes to the FX and amp. To me - that would mean that the guitarist would get his sound during tracking...
  7. Rochey

    Micing an Accordion

    Okay, I'm away from my studio at the moment.(I work away from home) In 2 weeks I'm going home for a few days, and a friend of the family has asked to record her Accordion. I agreed, but I really would like to do it as fast as possible. My Mic Collection included: Rode NT2 2 x C1000s 1 x D112...
  8. Rochey

    Idea :)

    Okay guys, this is just an idea, or consider it a 'feasibilty study' This idea isn't perfect by far, so please don't flame, rather - give me some contructive feedback. I'm interested in setting up a website that has sound samples of mic's in different positions on various instruments. For...
  9. Rochey

    Emagic Update

    Maybe this is old news, but i'm reporting it all the same: or easier to read... (direct quote from site) Emagic offers migration plan to existing Logic 5 Windows users July 4th 2002 Emagic has always enjoyed a very close relationship with...
  10. Rochey

    Emagic News

    I found this on the sound on sound forum. It's a link to a Sounddiver Mailing list. One of the guys that uses it works for Emagic as part of the Sounddiver team. Take a read, and tell me what you think. It's soothing for Soundiver...
  11. Rochey

    Delta 1010

    I've had mine for about a year now, but still haven't had a chance to use it properly (I work away from home at the moment) but... is it still one of the best in the price range? Also, I heard something about getting a new "clock" for it. Apparently the quality gets even better! Opinions? R
  12. Rochey

    Acoustic Literature

    okay guys... Having fully digested johns studio design manual, I'm wondering where to go next. Johns manual is great, but i'm thinking of gong deeper into the Maths of acoustics etc. I already have "acoustics and psychoacoustics" Howard and Angus Is there a better book? -- or PDF? :D...
  13. Rochey

    Mixer Questions

    I have two mixers. One is an Allen & Heath GS1. 16 faders, but 36 channels on mixdown (just get the mental picture) -- I estimate this to be about 15 years old (i'm the 3rd owner i think) I also have an older (possibly 20 - 25 yrs old) Hill mixing desk. It's a 24 Channel Monster of a desk...
  14. Rochey

    Sayers Recording Manual now in PDF form

    Thats right! It's been converted from the web into a 'book' form. Only the first half has been converted. (Recording Techniques) - I really recommend it for all Home wreckers. The Pictures aren't all that sharp - i'm not sure why, if I can correct it, i will. If...
  15. Rochey

    Drum loops

    Does anyone know of any websites that show the basics of writing drum loops? I've got fruity loops, but any loops i write in it sound so cheesy. I know this is somehting that you really should just "know" -- but if anyone has any pointers on writing drum patterns (for all styles) i'd be...
  16. Rochey

    Studio Design

    hey guys... Someone's asked me to do some basic designs for them. They want to convert a farm biulding into a small studio. The idea is to provide the working space. People can then bring their own equipment or rent it. Once I'm home on a more permanent basis (I work away from home) I might...
  17. Rochey

    Orange on a toothpick

    okay guys, I just got back some work i submitted for a uni course last year... It's just something i wanted to share more than have a big judgment whether it was mastered well or not!!! here's the link...
  18. Rochey

    Wall Units

    The new link of 'wall units' at John Sayers website is a project studio designers dream! For those of you who don't know where it is... try incredible.... and, with a little imagination, i can already see it being set up in my studio. I have...
  19. Rochey

    No where else to ask

    Hey guys, I normally just record band, or record my own music, but a friend of mine has approached me with ideas for making a film. This has really intreaged (spelling!!!) me. I've already got Logic, so i figured i could start playing with a 5.1 soundtrack. He's getting a DV camera (either...
  20. Rochey

    check this and tell me what you think

    It's an AMEK channel strip, I know the amek desks are fabulous desks, is this worth the money? Could i use it as a good mic pre? thanks guys.