Search results

  1. zoso59brst

    Powering headphones for studio

    Hi all, I haven't been on the forums in quite a while, but I hope you guys won't mind trying to help me out here. My singer and I have "acquired" a professional recording studio (rent free :D). Everything is there minus the gear that was stripped before the last guys split. I am trying to...
  2. zoso59brst

    please help a mic mod newb.....

    Okay, a have a Nady 1050 (first issue) that I picked up for $25... It sounds lame at best, but seems like a good template. First, let me say that I have already been here: as well as many other threads on...
  3. zoso59brst

    NOS RCA Ribbons up on ebay

    Quick heads up for somebody more seasoned than myself at mic mods/diy Just found this while looking for parts... I'd buy it myself but I'll probably destroy it trying to install and that just wouldn't be right.:rolleyes...
  4. zoso59brst

    ugg.. any ideas on finding.....

    Hi all, I'm sure the answer (most likely "no") is on the boards somewhere, but I have tried every search option and been to the end of the internet and back searching for a company that offers mic casings (enclosures). I'm going to make a first attempt at building a couple mics. So, before I...