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  1. PorterhouseMusic

    Gary Moore leaving his mark on Stand By Me

    So good...
  2. PorterhouseMusic

    Cancel Culture

    This is excellent - spot fucking on. Enjoy.
  3. PorterhouseMusic

    Have you ever had to go back and learn something of your own?

    So I'm working on another tune for a (very) amateur song contest and I decided to re-record an old unfinished song idea. So things are humming along and I've got all the drums, bass, and rhythm gtrs done. Lead gtr part and vocals still to be done. I had this gtr solo part worked out at one...
  4. PorterhouseMusic

    Phone games - favorites?

    I played Brickbreaker for a couple of years a long time ago. Then my wife turned me on to Wordscapes. We ran through all of that and beyond the 7000 regular rounds. Then I played Wooduko for a while. But now it's all about the NYT games. Mini Crossword, Connections, Wordle, and Spelling Bee...
  5. PorterhouseMusic

    This isn't that interesting

    But I found a cool saturated vocal effect. By inserting my 2A clone compressor into the insert section of my API312 clone preamp.... I can raise the output level of the 2A (without activating the compressor) and dial in a cool saturated vocal effect. From clean to incredibly distorted and...
  6. PorterhouseMusic

    Should a POTUS (any POTUS) be granted immunity from prosecution for crimes committed while in office?

    Just curious... how folks feel about this relatively important question. Yes or no? FWIW - I am talking about any crime(s). Any breach of any law which is currently on the books. Thanks for participating.
  7. PorterhouseMusic

    Gary Moore - The Shapes of Things

    That's such a cool version of that song - with the gtr solo being the highlight I think. I've just always thought that gtr solo was so cool and inventive. Not to mention technically impressive. It's got the cool mixolydian based melodic parts..... and then it's got those fast staccato picking...
  8. PorterhouseMusic

    Anyone else in the path of totality?

    It was supposed to be overcast here - but at the moment we've got a clear view. Almost completely covered now.
  9. PorterhouseMusic


    I've been wanting to bring this up here for a while - this recording by Led Zeppelin. Well, it's really just a single solo acoustic performance by Jimmy Page. It's one of my very favorite pieces of music, bar none. It's just so beautiful. Still learning to play it fluently myself. Not there...
  10. PorterhouseMusic

    The standard real estate agent fees are a thing of the past

    Or soon will be. I read the article in the NYT. Check it out elsewhere if you don't get the NYT. You know - the standard 3% + 3%=6% that goes to both agents covered by the seller (typically). That standard is going away. This will spur competition and is almost certainly to drive home values...
  11. PorterhouseMusic

    Kids reacting to Led Zeppelin

    If ya haven't seen it - this is fun. I'd say that the mighty Zep passed the test. Interesting though - that the one older long hair white kid was a hard pass.
  12. PorterhouseMusic

    Smoked Cheese one of my favorite snacks. I've tested different ways of smoking cheese over the years to varying degrees of success. The biggest problem - depending on what one has to work with - is that, typically, to create smoke you're going to also create heat. As we know - heat and cheese are not...
  13. PorterhouseMusic

    Sunset Rhapsody - mix feedback?

    Edited: this is a slightly improved mix (hopefully). 7pm, 12/10/23 I've entered this track in an amateur song contest - not going to spend a lot of time on it but if there is something glaringly bad or something way off about this mix please feel free to chime in with feedback. EQ...
  14. PorterhouseMusic

    Apparently they are going to make a Spinal Tap sequel

    Cool! All the major players are returning. I assume Rob Reiner will get this right. Hopefully
  15. PorterhouseMusic

    Mo Ritmo Live - live jazz done right

    Here's some world class jazz from acquaintance Doug Robinson and his band Mo Ritmo. Check it out. If you dig this be sure to hit the like button. These guys are serious cats and are deserving of some attention. Enjoy!
  16. PorterhouseMusic

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Hope you have much to be thankful for today - I sure do. Eat , drink, and be merry.... that's the plan. Cheers and gobble, gobble.🦃
  17. PorterhouseMusic

    Colorado Rockies 2023

    Our youngest son took a job up in Glenwood Springs, CO early last year. So about 8 weeks ago his brother and his wife and me and Mrs. Porterhouse all flew out to Denver and then drove on up to the valley area there near Aspen and hung out for a week. It's usually a little colder that time of...
  18. PorterhouseMusic


    ...per gallon, I just filled up for. Not sure why Joe Biden wanted to hurt his approval ratings by jacking the price up there for a year or two. Seems a weird choice to make if you're him. But I guess since that was his doing I need to give him thanks for bringing it back down. Thanks Joe.
  19. PorterhouseMusic

    New Beatles track

    "Now and Then" Just heard it on an iHeart station. I thought it was great. Classic Lennon.
  20. PorterhouseMusic

    General opinions on this track

    I'm wondering what you all think of this song. Any and all opinions and critiques welcome.